Home Recipes Reverse pork cutlets with bacon and potatoes

Reverse pork cutlets with bacon and potatoes

Reverse pork cutlets with bacon and potatoes

When you get home from work, you’re hungry, but the last thing you want to do is stand at the stove for hours, this recipe for a quick, easy and delicious lunch comes in handy. Try this recipe for inverted pork chops with bacon. Thanks to Martina for the recipe. The dish will take just a few minutes to prepare and will make a delicious wholesome lunch.

obrácené řízky z vepřového masa se slaninou

Recipe for inverted pork chops with bacon:

What we will need:

  • pork, 4 slices (neck, chop with or without bone or leg)
  • 1x large onion
  • 4x slices of English bacon
  • 4 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • 2x smaller eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons cream
  • lard for frying

How we will proceed:

1) Cut the pork into slices. Salt each slice and sprinkle evenly with 1/2 tablespoon of breadcrumbs. Cover with microtene foil and pat the meat thoroughly through it. Remove the foil, turn the meat over, sprinkle with salt and the rest of the breadcrumbs and pat through the foil again.

2) Beat both eggs in a deep plate, add 2 tablespoons of cream and beat with a fork. Put the lard in a frying pan and let it heat up. Coat the first piece of meat on both sides in the egg and from there, after a light dripping, carefully place it in the hot fat. Fry on each side at medium heat for about 1-2 minutes until the egg wrapper is pulled in and slightly golden. Remove the fried piece and process the rest of the meat in the same way.

3) Peel the onions, cut them in half and slice them thinly. Place the first 2 fried slices of meat on the bottom of a smaller baking dish or baking bowl, they should lie next to each other fairly close together. Sprinkle half of the chopped onion over them and cover with the remaining pieces of meat. Sprinkle again with the onions and cover with the bacon.

4) Place the baking dish with the meat in a preheated oven at 150-160 degrees and bake for 75 minutes (an hour and a quarter – the meat is like butter).

obrácené řízky z vepřového masa se slaninou

Side dish: baked unpeeled potatoes, sliced … baked dry … towards the end I add melted butter with salt and spices.

Good taste!