Making yoghurt at home is easier than you think and much cheaper than buying it. Not to mention constantly buying cups, which are a burden on our environment, and carrying groceries home. Here’s our guide to making homemade yogurt with two ingredients. Making thick homemade white yogurt may take a little more time, but the result is guaranteed to be worth it.

Homemade white yoghurt
What we will need:
- 1 liter whole milk
- 1 cup white yoghurt
How we will proceed:
1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat, stirring constantly, until foam forms on the surface (heat to about 80°C). Then remove the milk and leave to cool – stir occasionally to prevent a skin forming on the surface.
2. Preheat the oven to 50 °C.
3. Remove some of the still warm milk to a bowl, add the yoghurt and mix well. Finally, stir the yoghurt into the remaining milk.
4. Fill the still warm milk/yoghurt mixture into glass jars and seal immediately.
5. Place the jars with the yoghurt in a preheated oven. Immediately after putting them in, turn them off the heat.
6. After about an hour, turn the oven back on, allow it to heat up to 50 °C and turn it off again.
7. Leave the yogurt in the oven for about 5 to 8 hours. Do not remove the jars or open the oven during this time. Ready!
Good taste!
Share this recipe on and to your friends! Recommended: Yogurt and blueberry GOODness that looks perfect and tastes even better!