Pho Bo is a Vietnamese dish of broth, rice noodles and meat. The soup is based on nuoc pho broth made from bones and selected spices, which gives it the necessary flavour and aroma. Today we’ll take you through perhaps the easiest recipe step by step!

Vietnamese beef soup “Pho Bo”
What we will need:
for the broth:
- 2 pcs larger spike bone
- 500 g beef tail
- 500 g fake beef tenderloin
- 1 piece larger onion
for flavor:
- 2 pcs ginger (approx. 5 cm piece)
- 3 pcs star anise
- 2 pcs cinnamon stick
- 3 pcs cardamom
- 1 pcs larger onion
to complete:
- 1 packet of rice noodles
- 4 pcs shallots
- 1 bunch coriander
- 1 bunch spring onions
- 1 bunch Vietnamese mint
- 1 can mung sprouts
- 2 pcs chilli pepper
- 1 pcs lime
- salt
- cane sugar
How we will proceed:
1. Pour cold water over the bones, bring to the boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Drain and rinse them well, cover again and bring to the boil with the whole cleaned onion and beef. Add a tablespoon of salt and sugar and cook for 2 to 3 hours depending on the size of the sirloin. Do not cover and occasionally skim the protein from the surface of the broth.
2. In the meantime, slice the ginger lengthwise, cut the onion in half and, together with the cinnamon, aniseed and cardamom, fry everything in a dry frying pan or on the stove. This will release the aroma from the spices more effectively. Add the spices thus prepared to the boiling stock and cook until the meat is tender.
3. Soak the rice noodles in cold water for 30 minutes, then boil briefly (follow the preparation instructions) and divide into bowls. Pour the strained stock over the noodles in the bowls, add the sliced sirloin, mung sprouts, spring onions, chopped chilli, shallots, herbs and a few drops of lime juice just before serving. Done!
Good taste!
If you are interested in this recipe for Vietnamese soup “Pho Bo”, share it with your friends! Try also: Grandma’s quick pea soup with smoked ribs according to the traditional recipe.