Home Recipes Pork tenderloin with niva sauce and potatoes baked in marinade

Pork tenderloin with niva sauce and potatoes baked in marinade

Pork tenderloin with niva sauce and potatoes baked in marinade

Try this pork tenderloin with nive sauce and potatoes baked in marinade. The dish will only take you a few minutes to prepare. Don’t wait for anything and start preparing before it’s too late, every novice cook and chef can do it! Thanks to Monika for the recipe.

vepřová panenka s nivovou omáčkou a bramborami pečené v marinádě

Pork tenderloin with nive sauce and potatoes:

What we will need:

  • Potatoes
  • Breaded

For the marinade:

  • mayonnaise
  • Dijon mustard
  • oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • thyme
  • smoked paprika

For the sauce:

  • cream
  • niva
  • pepper
  • thyme
  • garlic

How we will proceed:

1) Cut the potatoes in their skins into marigolds and soak them in cold water.

2) For the marinade, mix 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, oil, salt, pepper, thyme and smoked paprika.

vepřová panenka s nivovou omáčkou a bramborami pečené v marinádě

3) Next, coat the potatoes in the marinade and bake at 180 degrees until golden brown, about 35 minutes.

vepřová panenka s nivovou omáčkou a bramborami pečené v marinádě

4) Unwrap the doll and make the necessary skewers. Season with salt and pepper, brush with oil and fry on all sides.

vepřová panenka s nivovou omáčkou a bramborami pečené v marinádě

5) Then wrap it in foil, add it to the potatoes for the last 10 minutes and raise the temperature to 200 degrees.

vepřová panenka s nivovou omáčkou a bramborami pečené v marinádě

6) In a pan, mix together the niva, cream, pepper, thyme and garlic.

vepřová panenka s nivovou omáčkou a bramborami pečené v marináděReady to eat! Good taste!