Home Recipes Delicious stuffed bread with ham and cheese – ready in minutes

Delicious stuffed bread with ham and cheese – ready in minutes

Delicious stuffed bread with ham and cheese – ready in minutes

This delicious stuffed bread with ham and cheese breakfast is ready in no time and is a fantastic treat for you and your family. The result of the homemade stuffed bread will pleasantly surprise you and you will see that your whole family will surely love this savoury pastry. You can of course change the filling. For example, try the sweet version.

Source: jemchyjinka.ru

Stuffed bread with ham and cheese

What we will need:

  • 1 ready-made pita dough (yeast dough) – Old bread, baguette
  • 200 g ham
  • 100 g cheese
  • spring onions

How we will proceed:

1. Cut the finished dough into approximately equal sized squares.

2. Now cut the squares and place the ham, cheese and finely chopped spring onions in them.

3. Fry in oil on both sides until golden brown.

Good taste!

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