Home Recipes Super fast dinner: Potato skillet with sausages and ox eye

Super fast dinner: Potato skillet with sausages and ox eye

Super fast dinner: Potato skillet with sausages and ox eye

There is beauty in simplicity! That goes for this amazingly quick dish, which you’ll have ready in half an hour and there’s no one in the family who won’t like it. Let’s do it – potato pan with sausages and ox eye!

super rychlá večeře: bramborová pánev s párky a volským okem
Source: koch-mit.de

Potato pan with sausages and ox eye

What we will need:

  • 1200 g potatoes
  • 8 pcs sausages or sausage
  • 120 g hard cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 pcs spring onion (bunch)
  • oil, salt, pepper, cumin, marjoram

How we will proceed:

1. Clean the potatoes, cut into cubes and boil in salted water.

2. Meanwhile, cut the sausages into rounds, grate the cheese and chop the spring onions. Set some of the spring onions aside for a final garnish to the pan.

3. After 10 minutes of cooking, drain the potatoes and leave them to drain.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan (choose the size of the pan according to the number of portions) and add the potatoes. Add the cumin, pepper and a little salt and fry over a high heat until the potatoes have a golden brown crust and are crispy on the outside.

5. Then reduce the heat by half and add the sausages and onions. Fry for about three minutes and season with marjoram.

6. Finally, crack an egg into the pan and do not stir again. When the egg whites have set, remove them from the heat and sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped chives.

7. Serve directly in the pan, ideally with pickled vegetables – cucumbers, beetroot or cabbage.

Good taste!

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