Home Recipes Creamy pasta with garlic and cheese that all food lovers will love

Creamy pasta with garlic and cheese that all food lovers will love

Creamy pasta with garlic and cheese that all food lovers will love

Today we’re going to show you a quick and easy recipe that you’ll love and that’s perfect for garlic and cheese lovers. If you’re looking for a quick dinner that will satisfy the whole family, this recipe is for you – creamy pasta with garlic and cheese!

krémové těstoviny s česnekem a sýrem
Source: iStockphoto

Creamy pasta with garlic and cheese

What we will need:

  • pasta
  • 100 g butter
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 4 tbsp flour
  • 1,5 cup chicken broth (or broth)
  • 1.5 cup whole milk
  • parsley
  • 100 g grated Parmesan cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste

How we will proceed:

1. Prepare the pasta according to the instructions.

2. Melt the butter over a low heat and add the crushed garlic. Cook for 2 minutes.

3. Add milk, flour and chicken stock and cook until thickened.

4. When the sauce is thick, add the parsley and cheese.

5. Wait for the cheese to melt and stir in the pasta.

Good taste!

If you are interested in this recipe for creamy pasta with garlic and cheese, share it with your friends!