Liver dumplings in spring soup are a delicious affair. Their preparation can be tedious and challenging for housewives who do not master the culinary arts. Do you dare?
Try with us a way of cooking dumplings that is a little different from the one you know. The preparation is very simple because the dumplings are cooked whole in food foil. In addition, you can change the fillings at any time. Let’s do it!

Dumplings from old pastry
What we will need:
- 6 buns soaked in water
- 2 finely chopped onions
- lard
- chopped parsley
- 6 eggs
- salt, pepper, spices to taste
How we will proceed:
1. Mix everything in a bowl.

2. Fill the cling film with the mixture in the shape of a cylinder and pinch the ends together.
3. Cook them directly in the soup until they are done.

Share this recipe for homemade dumplings made from old bread to your friends too!