Step by step we present you a great recipe for a delicious cake with vanilla pudding and cream. Don’t wait for anything and rush into the preparations before it’s too late, every novice cook and cook can do it! Whether you enjoy your afternoon coffee alone or invite friends over, everyone will appreciate the sweet spot in this tasty dessert.

Delicious cake with vanilla pudding and cream
What we will need:
For the dough:
- 7 egg yolks
- 200 g granulated sugar
- 200 g semi-coarse flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 11 tablespoons water
- 2 tablespoons oil
For the cream:
- 7 egg whites
- 220 g of granulated sugar
- 500-600 ml milk
- 2 packets of vanilla pudding
For the frosting:
- 400 ml cream
- grated dark chocolate to taste
How we will proceed:
1. First mix the egg yolks with the sugar, water and oil, then add the baking powder and cocoa. Mix the batter and pour into a buttered and floured baking tin or cake tin.
2. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Prepare the pudding in milk without sugar, cook a very thick pudding. Beat the egg whites with the sugar until foamy and stir them hot into the pudding. Stir the ingredients well to combine. If you find the custard too thick and hard, you can add butter to soften it.
4. Spread the custard over the baked pastry and let it cool. Whip the cream and spread it over the cooled cream. Then just decorate with grated chocolate and leave to cool in the fridge.
Good taste!