Are you an avid gardening enthusiast or just a DIYer looking for new inspiration? Then you’ve come to the right place! In today’s article, we have prepared a simple photo tutorial on how to practically use ordinary buckets in your garden! Who would have thought that ordinary buckets could be turned into something so original and practical for our garden However, our photo gallery proves that it really is possible. In particular, these are hanging, vertical planters. Simply take a plastic bucket, poke holes in the bottom, pad it and then fill it with soil. Finally, all you have to do is pick a suitable spot and the tomatoes can start growing.
You don’t need any special tools to make these pots, as you can just use the standard ones that every good DIYer has at home. You’ll be surprised at how well this simple idea works and how well it looks in your garden. But now let’s take a look together below for a simple photo guide on how to make such a practical vertical planter.

Source: Pinterest.com