Step by step we present you a great recipe for ermine buns with your favorite side dish. Thanks to Martina for the recipe. It will take you only a few minutes to prepare the dish and you will have a delicious full lunch. Don’t wait for anything and start preparing before it’s too late, every novice cook and chef can do it!
Ermine buns with your favourite side dish:
What we will need:
- 2 ermines (can also be another mould cheese)
- 2 eggs
- 10 dkg ham
- 1 small onion
- chives
- 1 larger boiled potato
- salt
- podravka – natura
- paprika seasoning
- breadcrumbs
- coarse flour
- eggs
- milk
- plain flour
- salt
- oil for frying
How we will proceed:
1. Grate the hermelin into coarser noodles, finely grate the potato. Finely chop the onion, ham and chives.
2. Add eggs, salt, spices and mix.
3. Add some breadcrumbs and flour to make patties.
4. Make a batter of egg, milk, plain flour and salt, dip the patties in it and fry in hot oil.
5. Put on a napkin to drain off excess fat.
6. Serve with a variety of potatoes or just a vegetable salad. Bon Appetit!